3.2. Content Details

The individual content items are described in the content:content element using a range of descriptive fields. For example, the following listing is the output for one content item:

<content:content xmlns:cmap="http://lex.thelearningfederation.edu.au/cmap/2003/06/" xmlns:imsmd="http://www.imsglobal.org/xsd/imsmd_v1p2" xmlns:lexmd="http://www.thelearningfederation.edu.au/lexmd_v1" xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" exist:id="1" exist:source="exchange:L2055:1.0">

The following table describes the elements returned in the above output

Element NameContents
content:sourceThe source repository for this object. This is an identifier specified by the upstram BELTS server and serves to distinguish content that comes from different external repositories.
content:idThe identifier of the content. This is the identifier used by the external repository for this content item.
content:versionThe version of this object.
content:localWhether this object is stored locally on the BELTS server. For downstream clients, the value of this field will alway be true.
content:publishedWhether this object is published on the BELTS server. For downstream clients, the value of this field will alway be true.
content:last-modifiedThe timestamp when this object was last modified. This is a long value indicating the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970.
content:sizeThe size (in bytes) of the downloadable content file for this object.
content:searchableThe searchable data for this object. This information is used internally by BELTS but may be used by the downstream client for their own purposes.
content:metadataThe IMS and TLF metadata associated with this learning object. The content of this element is taken directly from the learning object. For further information on the content of this element, please refer to the Metadata Application Profile specification in the TLF Documents section at http://www.thelearningfederation.edu.au.
content:outcomesThis element describes how the content item assists in reaching the outcomes described by the Curriculum Organiser for the BELTS site. The Curriculum Organiser is described in more detail in the BELTS documentation at the BELTS SourceForge site.

Table 3.2. Content Elements

3.2.1. Searchable Content Details

The content:searchable element contains a number of fields that are used by BELTS during content searches. These fields are taken from the various metadata elements and provide a summary of the information known about the object in a format suitable for searching. The following is an example of the elements contained within the content:searchable element:

    <content:title>Arrays: word problems with products from 30 to 50</content:title>
    <content:description>Read a number problem and think about how to solve it. For example, when 38 is divided by a number, the answer is 7 with a remainder of 3. Write the problem as a multiplication or division number sentence with a missing number. Think about multiplication or division facts to find the missing number. Test your answer by making an array of equal rows and columns to show the multiplication or division fact and the remainder. This learning object is one in a series of ten objects.</content:description>
    <content:keylearningobjective>Students apply knowledge of factors of numbers to solve problems with products up to 50.</content:keylearningobjective>
    <content:keylearningobjective>Students apply the commutative property of multiplication.</content:keylearningobjective>
    <content:educationalvalue>Students develop and consolidate knowledge of basic number facts that underlie effective multiplicative thinking.</content:educationalvalue>
    <content:educationalvalue>Students interpret word problems to construct equations.</content:educationalvalue>
    <content:educationalvalue>Provides opportunities to consider the relationship between multiplication and division.</content:educationalvalue>
    <content:educationalvalue>Automated array construction provides a visual model to support understanding of the multiplicative relationship between factors and the additive nature of the remainder.</content:educationalvalue>
    <content:quicksearch>arrays: word problems with products from 30 to 50
        read a number problem and think about how to solve it. for example, when 38 is divided by a number, the answer is 7 with a remainder of 3. write the problem as a multiplication or division number sentence with a missing number. think about multiplication or division facts to find the missing number. test your answer by making an array of equal rows and columns to show the multiplication or division fact and the remainder. this learning object is one in a series of ten objects.
        students develop and consolidate knowledge of basic number facts that underlie effective multiplicative thinking.
        students interpret word problems to construct equations.
        provides opportunities to consider the relationship between multiplication and division.
        automated array construction provides a visual model to support understanding of the multiplicative relationship between factors and the additive nature of the remainder.
        students apply knowledge of factors of numbers to solve problems with products up to 50.
        students apply the commutative property of multiplication.</content:quicksearch>

The following table describes the elements returned in the above output

Element NameContents
content:titleThe title of this content item
content:tlfThe TLF designation of this content item, either learning object or resource
content:descriptionThe description of this content item
content:keywordThe set of keywords used to describe this content item
content:aggregaton-levelThe number of content items that are aggregated to make up this content item
content:typeThe type of this content item
content:topicThe set of topics covered by this content item
content:learning-areaThe set of learning areas covered by this content item
content:strandThe set of strands covered by this content item
content:contentconceptThe concept/context entries associated with this content item
content:year-levelThe set of year levels covered by this content item
content:keylearningobjectiveThe set of key learning objectives covered by this content item
content:educationalvalueThe set of education values covered by this content item
content:outcomeThe set of outcomes that this content item could be useful for
content:quicksearchThe text searched through when a quick search is performed on this content item

Table 3.3. Searchable Elements