Chapter 4. Downloading Content

4.1. Downloading Content

4.1. Downloading Content

Content is downloaded by specifying the command fetch on the URL sent to the BELTS server, with details of the item's source, id and version, followed by the filename for the file to be downloaded.

The result of this command will be a ZIP file containing the learning object from the BELTS upstream server. The format of the URL for downloading is as follows:


The following table describes the fields required in the URL.

Field NameContent
{source}The source repository for the learning object, taken from the <content:source> element.
{id}The id of the learning object, taken from the <content:id> element.
{version}The version of the learning object, taken from the <content:version> element.
{filename}The filename for the downloaded file.

Table 4.1. File Download URL Fields

The following is a URL that could be used to download the content from the previous example:
