4.2. Structure of the curriculum organiser

The curriculum organiser consists of neutral vocabularies for each learning area. These neutral vocabularies are being incorporated into metadata describing TLF created content and are used to describe learning outcomes in Australian State and Territory and New Zealand curriculum frameworks.

The intention of the current BELTS implementation of the curriculum organiser is to match TLF content with Australian State and Territory and New Zealand outcomes and allow teachers to view the local outcomes that TLF content may help facilitate.

4.2.1. Neutral vocabulary and outcome descriptions

The curriculum organiser has two parts: a neutral vocabulary for each learning area, and a learning outcome description of each State and Territory outcome using that neutral vocabulary.

A small part of the neutral vocabulary for Mathematics is:

2D shapes, 3D objects, Accuracy, Addition, Algebra, Algebraic methods, Algorithms, Angles, Area, Arithmetic, Attributes, Automatic response, …

An example learning outcome description of a Victorian Mathematics outcome using this neutral vocabulary is:

Outcome CodeOutcome DescriptionNeutral Description (neutral vocabulary terms)Year levelsSkills/Process
MDS 1.1Estimate, compare, describe and measure length, area, capacity, volume and mass using informal units; estimate and measure length in cm and mMeasurement, Length, Mass, Informal units, Metric system, Capacity, Area, Volume1, 2Comprehension, Knowledge

Table 4.1. Example learning outcome description for a Victorian Mathematics outcome