Chapter 9. Preparing and presenting content to students

9.1. Preparing content for students
9.2. Giving students access to a lesson

BELTS enables digital content to be sequenced together to create learning activities. The main functionality in BELTS for preparing and presenting content to students is through lessons. A lesson is an aggregation of content and instructions.

9.1. Preparing content for students

Teachers are able to include the following types of content in a lesson:

  • Content, such as learning objects and resources, that are in the BELTS repository

  • Files that exist on a local drive and may be uploaded into the BELTS lesson

  • Web sites that can be accessed by a URL

An overview of the lesson may be written as well as individual instructions for each item of content in the lesson.

Refer to Create a lesson for details on how to set-up a lesson in BELTS.

It should be noted that if a teacher only wishes to present a single learning object to a group of students, it is feasible to simply display the learning object from the search or browse results page in BELTS rather than creating a lesson.