The search engine in BELTS is built upon Jakarta Lucene. This document will provide you with an understanding of the query language and help you target your searches effectively.
A query revolves around words. For searching purposes BELTS considers a word as an unbroken sequence of letters, numbers, underscores (_), hyphens (-) and single quotes ('). For example:
“O'Neill” is one word
“Marlan/O'Neill” is two words; “Marlan” and “O'Neill”
“” is two words; “education” and “au”
“test-user_1” is one word; “test-user_1”
Words are the basic building block for query terms. There are two types of terms: single terms and phrases.
A single term is a single word such as “Learning” or “Federation”.
A Phrase is a group of words surrounded by double quotes such as “The Learning Federation”.
Multiple terms can be combined together with boolean operators such as “OR” and “AND” (see below for more details) to form a more complex query.