Chapter 9. Search Help

9.1. Quick Search Tips
9.2. Advanced Search Tips
9.2.1. Words and phrases
9.2.2. Term Modifiers

This chapter provides a brief overview of how searching is performed in BELTS.

9.1. Quick Search Tips

The quick search uses a simplified search system. The phrase provided is broken into words by splitting on whitespace and the “*” character. For example the phrase “Kevin O'Neill” will be split into two words, “Kevin” and “O'Neill” as would the phrase “Kevin*O'Neill

The quick search is not case sensitive so the word “Kevin” is the treated the same way as “kevin” or “KEVIN”.

A word matches if it appears anywhere in the document not just if it appears as a whole word. For example if you search for “code” it would match a document containing the word “barcode”. If more than one word is part of the quick search then each of the words must appear in the document for it to match.